Reclaim your voice – both inside and outside.

Viola, Vocal and Personal Coach sitting in front of a piano

#2 | Singing for health: The magic of singing and how you can start connecting with your voice today

May 19, 20247 min read

"And I also wanted to say again how much I love this group and the rehearsals! They are a real highlight of my week, and you're doing a fantastic job!"

A few weeks ago, I received this message from a choir member. I started this choir a few months ago after hesitating for a long time because my own previous choir experiences were not only encouraging. It was clear that if I started a choir, it must be “Viola Style”, exactly how I can enjoy it.


"And I also wanted to say again how much I love this group and the rehearsals! They are a real highlight of my week, and you're doing a fantastic job!"

A few weeks ago, I received this message from a choir member. I started this choir a few months ago after hesitating for a long time because my own previous choir experiences were not only encouraging. It was clear that if I started a choir, it must be “Viola Style”, exactly how I can enjoy it.

And that’s what I did. I started a choir where everyone is welcome. It’s the love for music and singing that brings people together. We move our bodies, improvise, make weird sounds, and learn songs we like to sing.

This choir experience makes me happy. And when I look at the people leaving the room after the rehearsal with a glow on their faces, I think: “Wow. It’s true. Singing is good for our health.”

Singing for health – The magic of singing and how you can start connecting with your voice today

That’s what inspired me to write this blog post. I will write about the health benefits of singing, the magic of different voices coming together to build harmony, and how you can connect with your voice if you don’t know how to start yet.

Table of contents:

  1. Health benefits through singing: What do scientists say?

  2. Singing reduces our stress level

  3. Singing boosts our immune system

  4. Singing helps develop a feeling of belonging and connection

  5. Different voices are needed to build harmony.

  6. You want to feel more confident with your voice but you don't know how and where to start?

  7. Conclusion: Humming a song is always a good place to start

1. Health benefits through singing: What do scientists say?

Apart from my own experience, the connection between singing and health has been scientifically researched and proven many times. There are findings about numerous positive effects on our health. For this text, I chose three positive factors where I wanted to have a closer look:

  • Singing reduces our stress level

  • Singing boosts our immune system

  • Singing helps develop a feeling of belonging and connection

2. Singing reduces our stress level

Singing seems to have stress-relieving effects. In a study conducted in 2017, researchers measured the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in participants' saliva before and after they engaged in singing.

The study reports that both choir and solo singing led to increased happiness and reduced worry, sadness, and salivary cortisol concentrations.

However, an anxiety-free environment seems to be important for the cortisol level of the singers: Another study in 2015 researched cortisol levels after a singing performance and discovered that cortisol levels increased in such circumstances.

3. Singing boosts our immune system

Research has also shown that singing might boost our immune system and support us in fighting against illnesses.

In 2004, a study examined the impact of singing in contrast to only listening to music. Over two separate sessions, participants either engaged in singing or passive listening to music.

Results showed that individuals who sang showed increased levels of immunoglobulin A, an essential antibody produced by the body to combat infections. On the other hand, listening to music without singing along reduced stress hormone levels but did not activate the body's immune response.

4. Singing helps develop a feeling of belonging and connection

Singing together can lead to a sense of belonging and connection connection.

Studies have found that oxytocin, often referred to as the "cuddle hormone" or "love hormone," is released during singing together. This hormone promotes feelings of connectedness and inclusion among individuals taking part in the activity.

In a 2016 study involving adults, participants who sang together in groups reported feeling a greater sense of well-being and meaningful connection compared to those who sang solo. Similarly, in a study from 2014, conducted with children, researchers discovered that those engaged in singing and musical activities within a program experienced a profound sense of community and social belonging.

5. Different voices are needed to build harmony

One aspect that consistently resonates with me, particularly when I work as a coach within companies where group singing is used as an intervention to build the team, is the experience of “singing in harmony”.

To sing "in harmony," it requires different voices singing together to create a unified whole. It's not about everyone singing the same melody, but rather about different voices coming together to build something unique and entirely new.

This illustrates the necessity of diversity in achieving harmony and underscores the importance how important it is to express and listen to different voices –  working together they can build beautiful "harmony" and form a strong team.

6. You want to feel more confident with your voice but you don't know how and where to start?

Often, people tell me that they love to sing but feel they don’t have the right experience to show their voice in public or to sing on a stage. They would rather start in a safe space to explore their voice but simply don’t know where to begin.

If you can relate to that, here are a few things you can do:

  • The first thing to keep in mind is that learning to sing is like learning an instrument – it's absolutely fine to start at the very beginning. When we start with piano classes, we usually don't know how to play the piano yet. The same goes for singing. Even though we might have sung before, for example in our free time, learning to sing and taking voice classes is comparable to learning a new instrument. Here, you will learn more about how the voice works, how to train and strengthen it, and how to sing and interpret repertoire. Step by step, you will gain more control over your voice. And you don't have to know any of that beforehand.

  • Plan specific times that you dedicate exclusively to your voice: Take five minutes a day to learn a song or sing consciously under the shower or while cooking. Give your voice the attention that it deserves, and this will strengthen your connection to your voice and give you self-esteem.

  • Find a group of people who come together to sing for the same reasons: It always helps to find like-minded people who might also not be ready to show their voice in public or struggle with self-consciousness. Being in a group that is a safe space where you are not forced to sing in public will support you, and you can learn at your own pace.

  • Connect with a vocal coach who does not put pressure on you and accepts that you only sing for yourself, for your joy and the good feeling. Oftentimes, we think that it's important to present our voices in public when we take vocal classes. But that's not necessary. It's fine if you only sing for yourself and your well-being. Starting here can give you a lot of confidence and who knows, maybe one day where you feel ready to go on stage.

I'm currently working on a membership created for people who are looking for a judgment-free space to build and develop a confident voice, inside and outside. If you want to know more about it, you can join the waitlist here, and I will send you all the updates and news. And of course, if you’re curious about my Teambuilding, Personal, or Vocal Coaching, feel free to get in touch anytime.

7. Conclusion: Humming a Song Is Always a Good Place to Start

Singing is much more than only creating a sound. Singing has a positive impact on our overall health, including our mental health. It can brighten up our mood, relieve stress, and even create social bonds and connections. Isn't that amazing?

I hope I could inspire you to sing or hum a song for a bit and feel the vibration in the body that humming creates. That's always a good way to start. Which song is stuck in your ear at the moment?

☕️ I invite you to a Coffee Call

If you're interested in discovering your voice with me, I invite you to a free 20-minute coffee call. During this discovery call, we can discuss your goals and needs, how I can best support you, and how we can work together. To learn more about me, you can also sign up for my newsletter or connect with me on Instagram. I am excited to get to know you.

I am a Singer, Vocal Coach, and Personal Coach, with over a decade of experience coaching individuals. I write music, participate in theater plays and events as a singer, and lead vocal workshops and teambuilding events for companies. Holding a BA degree in Music, Pedagogy, and Psychology, I am also a certified Estill Master Trainer and Systemic Coach (DVCT & ECA).

As the founder of 'You Got This', I unite my two passions – voice and psychology – to offer a space where individuals can discover, develop, and reclaim their unique voice both inside and outside.

Viola Bornmann

I am a Singer, Vocal Coach, and Personal Coach, with over a decade of experience coaching individuals. I write music, participate in theater plays and events as a singer, and lead vocal workshops and teambuilding events for companies. Holding a BA degree in Music, Pedagogy, and Psychology, I am also a certified Estill Master Trainer and Systemic Coach (DVCT & ECA). As the founder of 'You Got This', I unite my two passions – voice and psychology – to offer a space where individuals can discover, develop, and reclaim their unique voice both inside and outside.

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